This page is where you will apply for admission to Gutenberg College. See also: Financial Aid ApplicationResidence Program Application (living on campus).

Important Things to Know Before Beginning Your Application

There are three applications for Gutenberg College. All are online.

  • Admissions Application (required)
  • Financial Aid Application (optional)
  • Residence Application (optional)
Decision Type Deadline Fee
Early Decision December 1 $25
Regular Decision March 1 $40
Late Decision August 1 $60

**If you submit your Admissions Application by December 1 and are accepted, and finalize your plans by January 1, you will receive an Early Confirmation Grant in the amount of $1,000 to help you with your studies.

The Admissions Committee will make a decision about acceptance within three weeks of receiving a completed application. Because of the integrated nature of Gutenberg’s curriculum, all full-time students are admitted as freshmen.

  1. Application
  2. Two Essays
  3. Two Recommendation Forms
  4. Test Scores (SAT, ACT, or CLT)
  5. High School Transcript
  6. High School Diploma or G.E.D. certificate and written description of course of study
  7. College Transcripts (if pertinent)
  8. Application Fee

The following materials are required of all applicants:

1) Application

In the application, you will give us general background information about yourself and family.

2) Essays

The Admissions Committee will rely most heavily on your essays to determine if you are a fit for Gutenberg College. Your other application materials will factor into admissions decisions, but your essays are really the most significant part.

There’s no one right thing to say in an essay. An honest, well-crafted essay is the best kind to write. Please write an essay-form response to each of the following questions:

Essay 1: What aspects of Gutenberg College have made you interested in attending?
Essay 2: What role do you think Christianity should play in how we learn and what we learn?

3) Recommendation Forms

Gutenberg College requires that two recommendation forms be completed: one recommendation form from someone who knows that the applicant’s academic capabilities are commensurate with Gutenberg’s demanding curriculum and another recommendation form from someone who can attest to the applicant’s maturity/readiness to tackle the personal issues raised and discussed throughout Gutenberg’s Great Books program. These forms are emailed to recommenders at the request of the applicant from within the applicant’s online Admissions Application.

4) Test Scores (SAT, ACT, or CLT)

All applicants* must take one of three tests: the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), or the Classical Learning Test (CLT). Homeschooled students and students without a traditional high school diploma or a G.E.D. certificate will be required to achieve one the following test scores to be eligible for admission:

  • SAT: 530 or better on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section or a combined score of 980 or better on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section and the Math section
  • ACT: 19
  • CLT: 58

Test scores should be sent to Gutenberg College.
Gutenberg College’s SAT code is 2605.
Gutenberg College’s ACT code is 5024.

* Applicants to Gutenberg College who have successfully completed 20 semester hours or 30 quarter hours of college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0 by the date of enrollment may be exempt from submitting SAT/ACT/CLT test scores.

5) High School Transcript

Applicants should request their official high school transcripts to be sent directly from their high school to Gutenberg College either via email (to or by post (Admissions, Gutenberg College, 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR 97403).

6) High School Diploma or G.E.D.

Applicants should send a copy of high-school diploma or G.E.D. certificate with a written description of their course of study. For high school applicants who are applying before graduation, please provide an anticipated graduation date. Send a copy of your diploma to Gutenberg College after you have received it.

7) College Transcripts

Applicants who have attended other colleges prior to applying to Gutenberg College should ask their college(s) to send an official copy of their transcripts to Gutenberg College.

8) Application Fee

You will finalize your application by paying the application fee will finalize your application. Early Decision fee is $25. Regular Decision fee is $40. Late Decision fee is $60.

Interviews are not required for regular applicants to apply for admission to Gutenberg College, but we strongly recommend them. An interview helps our Admissions Committee get to know you better, and gives you the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what to expect at Gutenberg. To set up an interview, email You can request an interview during your campus visit or by phone or video conference.

You may feel that you have exhausted the challenge of high school and are ready to start college. If so, you are likely intellectually and socially ready for college even though you haven’t completed the requirements for high school graduation. If this describes you, then you are an ability-to-benefit student, meaning that you may not meet all of Gutenberg’s regular admissions criteria, but Gutenberg may admit you on a provisional basis and provide the opportunity and assistance for you to succeed.

Ability-to-benefit applicants may include those who have graduated from high school early or have chosen to start college without graduating from high school. Homeschooled students and others without a traditional high school diploma or a GED certificate may also be considered ability-to-benefit students. Such students must submit the results of an SAT, ACT, or CLT test. A campus visit and interview are especially important for an ability-to-benefit student, so that we can assess his or her college readiness.

The Admissions director will send a note to ability-to-benefit students with their acceptance letter informing them of their status and what special assistance is available to them.

If you are ready for college but haven’t taken the traditional path, you are welcome at Gutenberg College.

Here is a bit about what you should expect from us once you’ve been accepted to Gutenberg College.

Acceptance Notification

When you are accepted for admission into Gutenberg College, the Admissions Office will send you an acceptance letter and a Letter of Intent to complete and return to Gutenberg. (See “Matriculation Requirements” below.)

New Student Packet 1

After you have returned your Letter of Intent, the admissions administrator will send you the following:

  • A new-student enrollment letter
  • A tuition and fees schedule for the academic year
  • Gutenberg’s refund policy

New Student Packet 2

In September, Gutenberg College will send you the following:

  • Welcome letter that includes a list of four returning students that new students may contact with questions
  • A Code of Student Conduct Agreement
  • Health History Form
  • Certification of Measles Immunization Form (with religious or medical exemption options)
  • Academic Calendar

New students must complete the forms and return them to Gutenberg College by the first day of Freshman Orientation. (See “Matriculation Requirements” below.)

When a student is accepted for admission into Gutenberg College, he will be asked to fulfill the following requirements before matriculating:

Return Letter of Intent

The Letter of Intent includes a statement of the matriculation fee due, a statement to the fact that in signing the Letter of Intent the student will make arrangements for a final official copy of his high school transcript to be sent to Gutenberg College and will also send Gutenberg a photocopy of his high school diploma, and a “Notice of Intent” signature line. Students must sign and return the Letter of Intent indicating their intention to begin the program the fall after they are accepted into it.

Pay Matriculation Fee

Students must include payment for a $450 non-refundable matriculation fee when they return their Letter of Intent. One-hundred percent of this fee will be credited toward the fall books-and-fees charge due on the first day of classes. (See Tuition & Fees Section.)

Sign Code of Student Conduct Agreement

The Code of Student Conduct Agreement states the code of conduct by which all Gutenberg students must abide. All students must indicate their agreement by signing the Code of Student Conduct Agreement form and returning it to the college office by the first day of Freshman Orientation.

Submit Health Information

By the first day of Freshman Orientation, all students must complete and return a Health History form, and parents of minor students must complete and return a Consent for Treatment of a Minor form. In order to comply with Oregon State law that requires all college students in the state of Oregon either to be immunized for measles or to sign a religious or medical exemption, students must also complete and return by the first day of Freshman Orientation a Certification of Measles Immunization form or sign the religious or medical exemption included on the form.

Complete Registration Form

The Gutenberg College Student Registration form lists the courses in which students are enrolled for the fall quarter. The form also includes space to provide the following: (1) student contact information that the college will use to publish an institutional directory and to bill students; (2) parent contact information; and (3) emergency contact information. New students complete the registration form during Freshman Orientation.

If any of the below categories apply to you, follow the link for special instructions:

Gutenberg College has welcomed international students since its founding. Students from outside the United States will find a welcoming atmosphere, an academic experience grounded in reading and discussion, and an encounter with American cultural and social life.

Learn more about applying as an international student.

Gutenberg College’s interactive, discussion-based environment is excellent for homeschooled students who want to build skills through a personalized education.

Learn more about applying as a homeschooled student.

Because of our integrated core curriculum, Gutenberg College admits all students as freshmen. If you have duplicate educational experience, find out how to petition for credit or a course waiver.

Learn more.

Interested in auditing a class or attending for credit? Find out what opportunities are available.

Learn more.

Learn more about the readmission process.

This page is where you will apply for admission to Gutenberg College. See also: Financial Aid ApplicationResidence Program Application (living on campus).